With the expansion of the scope of the text filters by adding the ability to exclude any or all text, you can now show the results that matter for you without the extra noise. When you create the exclusion on the text filtering, we will filter through the post content, returning only the results that do not contain specified words or phrases. This feature works on every dimension where text filters are applicable.
More complex filtering
To add the exclusion, click on the "+ Add filter". In the sidebar, in addition to already available options like including ALL or ANY tags and text combinations, there is new exclude section, where you can use the same logic to rule out ALL or ANY text appearance. You can also create tags based on those rules and even automate them.
Use cases
We have covered the extensive use cases that post tagging and advanced filtering enables in this article, so you can see exclusion as a further refinement of your results and a new layer of flexibility in filtering them. This request came directly from you, our users, so thank you for your continuous support, and we hope you will find it helpful. I know we will.
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