quintly Blog  /   Improvement

Post detail view now available

by Hubert Grzesiek on July 05, 2021

We have just added a default post detail view to all of the table-based metrics. You can now view specific post's information within the quintly platform instead of being redirected to the particular network. This addition is important as it creates the foundation for any new changes on the post level. 

 Post Detailed view 

How to view a single post?

To access a particular post, navigate to any table metric and click on "view details". A large popup with post information will show up in the center of the screen. The view will contain a large thumbnail, post details (including likes, shares, and comment counts), and associated tags. It is important to add that you can very quickly tag it on the spot, without the necessity of visiting the Tags section.

Why is this change necessary?

As mentioned initially, we will be in the future releases bringing more post-specific metrics, and we needed to find a better, more robust visual system to represent them. Those could be network/post-type-specific metrics, comments, more advanced information if private metrics. We believe that this is a perfect place to accommodate those upcoming changes. Finally, this update is available for both in-app dashboards and shareable links.

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Hubert Grzesiek

Hubert is a Tech and Product enthusiast with over 17 years of experience spanning from Startups, Ecommerce, Creative Agencies, SaaS and more. Currently he is leading Product Marketing and Content team at Facelift.

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