We have added a new data source called twitterAnalyticsOwnReplies, along with 3 new default metrics. You can find the following metrics in the discover section of our app:
Twitter Analytics Table Total
Get an overview of the accounts’ key metrics, including Followers, Retweets, Likes, Impressions, Video Views, Engagements, Interaction Rate and Engagement Rate. This shows 1 row per account.
Twitter Analytics Table Replies
Get an overview of the accounts' replies key metrics, including Followers, Retweeted Tweets, Likes, Impressions, Video Views, Engagements, Interaction Rate and Engagement Rate. This shows 1 row per account.
Own Replies Table
View the message and create time of all the replies posted by the profile in the selected time frame, along with their resulting interactions, Interaction Rate, impressions, video views, engagements & Engagement Rate. It is important to note that we do show deleted replies once they are in our database.
If you have any questions about this new data source, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Success team via support@quintly.com.
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