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Data New feature

Instagram Reels are now available 👏

by Hubert Grzesiek on June 29, 2022

One of our clients' most requested features, Instagram Reels, is now available at quintly. Meta has announced that they are rolling out the Reels API endpoints starting from the 28th of June 2022. In a true quintly fashion, we are ready. Let's dive in.

Reels at quintly

Straight to the point, all your Instagram metrics will also start including Reels from today. No action is required from you, and you can very easily filter them by using the type column in your metrics. There is one additional column on the private level available with the Reels object whether Instagram shows the Reel on both the Feed and Reels tab or just Reels. 

You can access the Reels via two existing data sources - instagramOwnPosts and instagramInsightsOwnPosts. Reels will show as type “Reel”. It is also available in custom metrics, via API and Data Push tasks. 

Instagram data ready

We are thrilled to bring this update to you in less than 24h after the announcement - product team, you rock 🤘. This addition will allow you to include Reels into your social media marketing reporting easily.

Not a client yet? Book a personalized demo with us 👈 . 

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Data New feature

Hubert Grzesiek

Hubert is a Tech and Product enthusiast with over 17 years of experience spanning from Startups, Ecommerce, Creative Agencies, SaaS and more. Currently he is leading Product Marketing and Content team at Facelift.

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