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snapchat analytics Social Networks Updates changelog campaign management New features New metrics post tags

Changelog: New and improved!

by Hubert Grzesiek on May 14, 2021

For the last year, we tried to bring all of the updates more into the light. We have realized that we need a better way to communicate even the smallest improvements. We started with this article format, but we have realized that even though it did serve its purpose, we needed a better, faster, and more granular way to communicate. We are happy to introduce a completely new section - https://changes.quintly.com. Always up to date and updated weekly, you will be able to stay on top of all of the changes. 

You can also access the latest updates without leaving the quintly application. In order to do that, navigate to the bottom left corner -> click on the account icon -> choose " Product Changes" and voilá.
And now, the final entry 😀:

Hubert Grzesiek

Hubert is a Tech and Product enthusiast with over 17 years of experience spanning from Startups, Ecommerce, Creative Agencies, SaaS and more. Currently he is leading Product Marketing and Content team at Facelift.

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