Product News  /   Improvement

Batch of improvements

by Hubert Grzesiek on October 23, 2020

We have recently published some improvements which we think that you might find useful.

Improved profile search when adding new profiles 👌
You no longer have to paste the exact URL in order to search for profiles (especially Instagram profile). This update includes:
- Allowing search for Instagram usernames,
- Accept variations of URLs, i.e. "" or "" for all networks.

Improved post text filter 🔍
We have now included the YouTube description field in the family of search results. Thanks to this update you can filter all posts from all of the networks that include specific keywords in their description. This also improves the search for tagging specific posts across all networks.

Last navigation state 🧐
This improvement will massively improve your user experience on the platform. In a nutshell, when you click the main navigation link ( i.e., "Analysis", "Accounts", "Tags", etc.) we want the tool to keep it's last known location. This allows navigation between sections without extra clicks when coming back (i.e. navigation from a dashboard to Tags and back).

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Hubert Grzesiek

Hubert is a Tech and Product enthusiast with over 17 years of experience spanning from Startups, Ecommerce, Creative Agencies, SaaS and more. Currently he is leading Product Marketing and Content team at Facelift.

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